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A Comprehensive Bathtub Cleaning Guide

The bathroom tub is one of those trusty household fixtures that sees daily action and can pay the “dirt price” for it. Considering the bathtub’s sole purpose is to funnel down the drain the dirt and grime that kids and adults alike accumulate during the day, it is no surprise that the bathtub is one of the quickest home fixtures to build up dirt and stains. The moist environment of the bathroom makes the bathroom tub a major growth zone for mold and mildew as well, which can lead to unsightly. Fortunately, with the right materials, cleaning the bathtub is a breeze. Follow these six easy steps to fight stains and get your bathtub clean.

  • Pre-rinse the tub – Before you do anything else, give the tub a quick rinse with some warm water to get hair and coarse particles out of the way so they don’t interfere when you’re cleaning.
  • Clean out the drain – Hair can get stuck in the drain cover and affect your bathtub drainage. Use a wet paper towel to easily scoop it up or manually pull it out by hand.
  • Apply your cleaner – For Porcelain & Acrylic bathtubs, tackle those tough bathtub stains by using a spray cleaner with bleach, such as Soft Scrub Mold & Mildew Stain Remover spray. For Enamel-coated bathtubs, use a gentle spray cleaner such as Soft Scrub Total Bath & Bowl.
  • Scrub those stains – Using a damp sponge or a small brush, scrub away the stains in those areas where you’ve applied your cleaner. For particularly tough stains, leave Soft Scrub Mold & Mildew Stain Remover Spray on for up to a minute to allow it to work.
  • Get in the cracks – Make sure to spray cleaner in the cracks and seams of your bathtub and shower door if applicable. It’s one of the major places mold and mildew like to hide out, so try using an old toothbrush to help get in there.
  • Give the rub a final rinse – After you’ve scrubbed your stains away with Soft Scrub Mold & Mildew Stain Remover, rinse out your tub one last time with water and marvel at how pristine you’ve made it!

Now that your tub is spotless and sanitary again, keep it that way with routine maintenance and repeating these steps regularly. For tips on how to make the rest of your bathroom sparkle and shine, check out other Cleaning Tips here.

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